BUILDPLAST-Tile Link Screed(111)

Floor Under Layment Concrete

BUILDPLAST - Tile Link Screed (111) is a designed for use with water and aggregates to produce high strength, water retaining & self curing screed with good compressive strength and flexural strength. BUILDPLAST - Tile Link Screed can easily be screeded or sloped, providing a firm more durable base than conventional mortar for surface preparation within 24-36 hrs

For horizontal exterior and interior floor screeds. A firm product used for renovation and resurfacing interior & exterior floors.

  • Concrete Floors
  • Cement Mortar Beds
  • Cement terrazzo floors

  • Easy to use
  • Self Curing
  • Improved bond strength, compressive & tensile strength
  • Fast & Economical
  • Shock & impact resistant
  • High dimensional stability

Mix 1 bag of Tile Link Screed (111) with 4 to 10 bags of sand based on the strength requirement and purpose of application. Use approximately 8-10 litre or required amount of liquid (either water or mixture ) for 30 kg powder. Add liquid to the pre-blended powder slowly under mixing. Mix by hand or use a medium speed drill mixer (250 – 500 rpm speed) to achieve a smooth, paste-like consistency

30 kg

Bed ThicknessBed ThicknessAggregatesWater(Approx)Coverage(Approx)
12 mm30 kg180 kg7.0 l84 sft
25 mm30 kg180 kg7.25 l45 sft
35 mm30 kg180 kg7.25 l27 sft
50 mm30 kg180 kg8.0 l20 sft


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