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BUILDPLAST PRIME NON-POUROUS is a one component low viscosity primer for non porous surfaces to be used with BUILDPLAST - PJS GUN GRADE and BUILDPLAST POUR GRADE.
Take required quantity from original container to a small bowl for use. The container must be closed as soon as possible. This product is hygroscopic in nature. Apply the primer by a suitable Brush or Spray. Allow primer to cure until it is dry to the touch before proceeding to application of sealant.
250 ml in aluminum bottle
Always use protective clothing, gloves and goggles consistent with OSHA regulations during use. Avoid eye and skin contact. Do not ingest or inhale. Refer to Material Safety
Data Sheet for detailed safety precautions.
Appearance : Clear liquid
Colour : Water white
Density : 0.85 @ 25’C
Sheff life : One year from date of manufacturing in unopened condition