Call us now: +91 9448115585
"BUILDPLAST- AEA" is manufactured out of selected high quality materials having properties of water reducing and air entraining agent for concrete and mortar. Standards : Conforms to IS : 9103-1999
“BUILDPLAST – AEA” should be used wherever concrete and mortar is being produced and placed.
Form : Liquid single component
Sp – Gravity : 1.08+0.02 @ 30’C
Colour : Brown
Chloride : Less than 1%
Nitrate Content : NIL
Air Entertainment : Tested as per IS : 1199 : 1959
BUILDPLAST – AEA is supplied ready for use. The measured quantity of BUILDPLAST-AEA should be added directly into the mixing water. However, on NO ACCOUNT IT SHOULD BE ADDED TO THE DRY CEMENT.
The rate of addition is 15% dosage of 50 – 100 ml of BUILDPLAST-AEA per 50 Kg of cement.
Technical Services if required will be given at site for the correct use of "BUILDPLAST-AEA".